Boston Duck Tours and Musem of Science

Boston Duck Tours 

You've never toured Boston in anything that comes close to Boston Duck Tours. The fun begins as soon as you board your "DUCK", a W.W.II style amphibious landing vehicle. First, you'll be greeted by one of our legendary tour ConDUCKtors, who'll be narrating your tour. Then you're off on a journey like you've never had before. You'll cruise by all the places that make Boston the birthplace of freedom and a city of firsts, from the golden-domed State House to Bunker Hill and the TD Banknorth Garden, Boston Common and Copley Square to the Big Dig, Government Center to fashionable Newbury Street, Quincy Market to the Prudential Tower, and more. And, as the best of Boston unfolds before your eyes, your ConDUCKtor will be giving you lots of little known facts and interesting insights about our unique and wonderful city.
And just when you think you've seen it all, there's more. It's time for "Splashdown" as your ConDUCKtor splashes your DUCK right into the Charles River for a breathtaking view of the Boston and Cambridge skylines, the kind of view you just won't get anywhere else. (Photo taken from

Yah diatas ini kata2 dr websitenya "Boston Duck Tours" (dr pd gw tulis ulang kaaan...jd prolognya ngopy aja gw tinggal nyambungin ceritanya :p). Weekend pertama kita di Boston kita putuskan buat nyoba tour ini, gr2 kmrnnya pas jalan2 ke Faneuil Hall itu kenes liat ada "Duck" ini dijalan trus pgn naek cm berhubung udh kesorean jd ga sempet.

Kl mau naek Duck Tours ini ada 3 Points of Departure : Museum of Science, Prudential  Center & New England Aquarium. Durasi tournya sdiri kl yg brkt dr Museum of Science & Prudential Center 80menit, kl yg dr NEAQ cuma 55menit ga tau jg kenapa beda jd jgn tanya yaaa.. kl kenapa disebut "DUCK" sebenernya dr kata DUKW, ini sebenernya code-named dr vehiclenya, vehicle yg bisa jalan di darat & di air buat detail sejarahnya bisa dibaca dilink ini Boston duck history.
Jd ky yg udh diblg diatas tuuh, tour ini kita dibawa keliling tempat2 bersejarahnya Boston jd pas bgt buat org2 yg baru pertama kali dtg ke Boston biar skalian tau tempat2 wisatanya Boston 'n skalian ngapalin tempat 'n jalannya kl buat gw siy, selaen itu sepanjang perjalanan kl pas papasan jalan sama Duck laennya atau Conducktournya ngeliat ada org dgn dandanan atau gaya yg aneh kita langsung disuruh teriakin "Kwak-kwak" hehehe ga penting bgt yaah....dan yg bikin unik tur ini kita kelilingnya di darat daaan di air alias di Charles river and pas di air Conducktournya ngasi kesempatan buat anak2 yg ada diDuck utk nyetir Ducknya ini trus kl udh sls dikasih sticker naah kebetulan diDuck kita ga tlalu byk anak2 yg naik jd pas waktunya masih ada dan smua anak2 udh nyoba nyetir Duck ini(kecuali Kenes pastinya) Conducktournya nawarin ada yg mau nyetir lg gak langsung aja gw angkat tangan...hehehe... kan buat mewakilin Kenes :p akhirnya dapet jg deh stickernya "I Drove A Duck!" malah pas udh turun Kenes dikasih smua sisa stickernya sama si Conducktournya ^_^

Ow iya kita naek Duck tour ini dr Museum of Science, kita sampe ditempat sekitar jm 12an  dan dpt tiket buat naek Ducknya yg jm 5.30pm jd kita sempet masuk dl ke Museum of Science skalian liat2. Tiket buat ikutan Duck Tour ini kl ga salah ya(udh 2 bln yg lalu siy) buat adult $29.9, student $26.9 children  under 11 $20an, dr tiket ini dpt potongan $5 buat masuk Museum of Science.

Museum of Science
Sebenernya byk banget yg bisa diliat di Museum ini tp berhubung Kenes ga bisa diem disatu tempat lebih dr 5menit jdnya kita ga sempet bener2 liat ato baca2 sejarahnya. Museumnya bagus bgt ga ky Museum2 yg ada ditanah airku ;-) selain Exhibit Hallnya yg keren ada jg show 3D Cinema atau Laser Show/Planetarium dan ada Butterfly Garden sayangnya kita ga masuk ke Butterfly Gardennya krn Kenes ga mau akhirnya kita pilih nonton 3D Cinema deh. Kita disini gak lama tapi sayang deh abis ribet kejar2in Kenes mulu sibuk pindah dr satu tempat ketempat2 laennya jd gw ga bisa cerita byk ttg Museum ini. Tiket Museumnya sdiri adult $20.00 children 17.00 belum termasuk kl kita mau liat show 3D Cinema, masuk Butterfly Garden atau Planetarium/Laser Show. Bisa jg kl mau jd member Museum cukup bayar $75 bisa masuk gratis selama setaun buat 2org.


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